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Childhood Years

My picture 2nd picture 2nd picture

Eevee gif picture            1During my childhood years, I lived in a subdivision in Novaliches and I studied at HASC where I graduated from primary school. 2When I was a child, I had very little socializing experience because my grandfather did not want me to leave our house because the children outside were too dirty and lacks respect towards their parents. 3It was the best time of my childhood even though I don’t have many friends because I get to watch television all day without many activities to do. 4I remember when me and my brother used to play in our house with our consoles. 5We sometimes play as if we are the character in that specific video game. 6We also had a housemaid back then who cleans after we do our mess and also plays with us. 7She is our 2nd hired maid because the first one was very harsh towards my brother because she can’t handle my brother’s attitude. 8Our 2nd maid was also fired because of the issue that happened between her and one of our family members. 9The 3rd one stayed the longest because we didn’t have any issue towards her.

           10For my school experience, I started in kindergarten where I was actively friendly but at the same time I was unsociable because people can’t relate to my topics. 11At that school, I only had one friend who is my seatmate and later on played with me on an online game after I moved on to our current house which is in Quezon City. 12When I finished 4th grade, We move on to our new house and planned it originally to live with our cousins. 13When I studied in HCA, I started to gain more friends and become more active in socializing because my brother told me to start being friendly because of our lack of social skills. 14My first friend from that school socialized with me and asked to play with them in a parking location at our school because that was the safe area to play back then. 15After playing, some of my classmates became my friends because we share common interests and later on played that online game where I also play with my first friend on my old school. Charmander gif picture 16There in my school, I also learned that not everyone can be pleased and not everyone wants to befriend you without taking advantages of you. 17Some people will also help you and give you an advantage even without asking for it. 18I also started to actually listen to every topic that is given out to us because back then, my mind always declined the knowledge my teachers gave us. 19I learned many things such as showing manners, how to be grateful, and how to act nice towards others which I didn't learn in the past because of my lack of learning. 20My childhood year was a boring one yet it is precious to me for it has all that I can ask for.

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Teenage Years

My picture on a train My picture on a drums My picture on a train

Link's posing gif            1In my Teenage years, I started with a lot of friends but I still act shy and introverted towards people. 2The time when I lost my shyness was when I was in 8th grade. 3I started playing an instrument as a hobby and started showing it off to the class. 4It was fun because it started to become one of my roles in the class to play beatbox in the class whenever they start their jamming sessions. 5In our school, they also have an auditorium where we start our flag ceremonies and praise songs because it is a christian school so it is mandatory to play songs before some speech or short-sermons. 6At that time, I was asked to play drums and play with my classmates who can play an instrument for the whole batch. 7It was the best time because that was the only time I could relax and show my talent for school. 8Those were also the times where I became a bit known to students since having a talent to play an instrument was almost like an uncommon talent in our school. 9I remember when there was an event called BotB and students would compete against each other by year. 10The students were to have prize money for winning the championship and the event was held yearly.

           11During these years, I also started to have a love interest which I regretted doing because it made me lose some of my friends in the process. 12It started with a happy crush from my classmate since 5th grade and she was also like a campus crush at that time. 13I didn’t care much for I was always focused on my track as a student and practicing my skills on playing my instrument. 14Then there came my first girlfriend who came to my life when I was in 9th grade, I didn’t know much about love at that time. 15Surely, it wasn't love at first sight because I wasn’t the one who fell in love first. Link's enemy gif 16I started to like her half a year later when she gave me full attention and we started dating months after that. 17That time, I thought having a long term relationship will mean that you and your partner will impossibly be separated. 18That was the mistake I made because having a relationship is about knowing each other and to know if you really match with each other or stay for a lifetime. 19Being in a relationship taught me a lesson on who to pick and set a high standard when it comes to finding your special someone. 20Having a relationship at a young age may be fun, but also, a person must be prepared for a serious one.

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College Years

My picture taking a selfie My picture taking a selfie My picture taking a selfie

Valorant Jett gif            1Now that I started my year as a college student, I only had a few experiences and a lifestyle. 2It was my first time to enroll in a college by paying a payment slip at the bank. 3The transaction was fast and my aunt helped me and taught me procedures on how to do it. 4My first experience in college life was a bit boring because there was a pandemic and everyone studied at home. 5I was on fire when I first studied basic programming and introduction about databases. 6I had fun because some of the details was new to me. 7This is also the time when I started to meet new people and new friends online and stayed with me even with my busy schedule. 8The usual unoccupied schedule I have is eat, study, eat, play, sleep, and repeat. 9This schedule changed my body clock because my school schedule started on 1:20 p.m. when I was a senior high school student. 10Now I had to wake up at 7:30 a.m. every morning and attend online classes even though my mind is still blank.

           11This was also the year when our family hit the saddest state because of what happened to us. 12We had our grandmother checked up at the hospital because she wasn’t able to breathe like usual. 13She was the breadwinner of our family, our financier, and our best adviser when it comes to life and studies. 14We were informed that she already has stage 4 lung cancer but she stayed positive and expressed that whatever happens, it’s still in God’s plan. 15Our family started to prepare everything so that we would not waste time and press on to make her proud for the last time. 16My aunt bought a smaller car so that my grandmother would still be able to ride everytime they go for medicines and checkups. Valorant Neon gif 17Just when me and my brother finished our last exam, my grandmother also breathe her last breath. 18All of us were dismayed and found discomfort as she has departed from this world. 19Now that she has gone, it is harder for us to manage our finance and secure everything but even so, we still praise the Lord and trust Him in the process. 20We are still moving on and moving forward and I also tried to learn new things. 21I started learning on how to play bass to use it to glorify God and also make our grandmother proud for we are the next generation that will help our family in the future.

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